Psyllid Yellows and Scouting for Nymphs

Sunday Jul 30, 2023

PSYLLID YELLOWS is a disorder that can occur when potato psyllid nymphs feed on potato plants. The nymphs inject a toxin into the plant when they feed. This results in a range of growth disorders that...

Understanding Pest Contour Maps

Monday May 01, 2023

Contour maps showing results from the WSU Extension insect monitoring network are available on the Potato Decision Aid System (DAS). These maps use color to help you visualize where and how many insec...

Additional Pest & Disease Management Information

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023

The following links will take you to some of the best online resources for potato pest and disease management. IPM GUIDES and OTHER INFORMATION: Potato Decision Aid System: Welcome to our new and im...

Colorado Potato Beetles in the News

Friday May 27, 2022

Colorado potato beetles (CPB) have been mentioned a lot in recent popular press articles. Most of the articles explain CPB's amazing ability to develop resistance to insecticides, and many present way...

Potato Pink Eye is not Pink Rot

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021

Potato pink eye is a disorder that causes raised pink areas on immature tubers, usually around the eyes. As the skin sets, the pink areas eventually dry and develop into brown corky patches. The sympt...