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Additional Pest & Disease Management Information

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023

The following links will take you to some of the best online resources for potato pest and disease management.


Potato Decision Aid System: Welcome to our new and improved website. It features spatial models of insect pests and pathogens using data from potato pest monitoring networks in the Pacific Northwest. It also includes developmental models for important insects. There is also a spray selection tool. Potato DAS was launched in 2021 to provide time-sensitive information to assist with potato crop management. There is no subscription fee and you can register for an account here, to use the system.

Potato Crop Protection Guide: This is a new online database with comprehensive information about pesticides registered for use on potatoes in Washington and Oregon.

NW Potato Research Consortium: This website presents a great overview of potato pests (insects, nematodes, and more) and diseases. There are insect pest trapping guides and potato pest management guides available for download. There is also information about beneficial organisms that help to control pests.

The IPM Guidelines for Insects and Mites in Idaho, Oregon and Washington Potatoes: This guide has detailed pest management information. It is a good resource if you need help selecting and applying insecticides for their best effect. The last update was in 2019, so be sure to check that the products mentioned are available for use.

Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbook Series: The handbooks are tools to help commercial growers make decisions regarding control and management of important insect pests, diseases, and weeds that affect crops in the region. They are updated every year. See below for links to each...

The PNW Insect Management Handbook, The PNW Disease Management Handbook, The PNW Weed Management Handbook: These handbooks cover many different crops, but these links will take you to the sections for potatoes.

Pesticide Tables for Potato Pests: These tables are found in the PNW Insect Management Handbook, but this link takes you to a pdf you can download. The tables include insecticide trade names, active ingredients, and information about target pests, insecticide group, REI, PHI, and more. There are tables for single active ingredient products, package mixes, and biological insecticides.

Pesticide Information Center OnLine (PICOL) Database: This is a free, searchable database maintained by personnel at Washington State University. PICOL has current information about pesticide products registered for use in either WA, or OR, or both. Electronic copies of most labels are available from the site.

Pacific Northwest Vegetable Extension Group: Photo Gallery of Potato Problems: If you are looking for pictures of potato pest and disease problems, visit this website.

University of Idaho - Potatoes: This website is where potato specialists at the University of Idaho post information. It includes sections on bruise management, pest management, variety information, and much more. The webpage on potato psyllid management is particularly helpful.

Cornell University - Organic Production and IPM Guide for Potatoes: This guide is aimed at Northeastern potato growers, so some of the information does not pertain to the Pacific Northwest. We have a much longer, hotter, and drier growing season and a different spectrum of pests in the PNW. Nonetheless, there are some nice tips in the guide. The most recent update was in 2016.

OMRI Products List: This website has a list of products and materials allowed for use in certified organic production.

PLANT PEST DIAGNOSTIC CLINICS: Visit the websites below and contact the lab managers to ensure your samples are received and processed as needed. Some of these labs offer digital diagnostic services (using photos, descriptions, and management records).

WSU Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinics in Pullman, WA and Puyallup, WA

OSU HAREC Plant Pathology Lab in Hermiston, OR

U of ID Plant Diagnostic Labs in Parma, ID and Idaho Falls, ID

PESTICIDE DISCLAIMER: Application of a pesticide to a crop or site that is not on the label is a violation of pesticide law and may subject the applicator to civil penalties. In addition, such an application may also resul in illegal residues that could subject the crop to seizure or embargo action. It is your responsibility to check the label before using any product to ensure lawful use, and obtain all necessary permits in advance.